Situation and modern solution
Many students receive free meals at school, but their administration process is complicated: it is necessary to prepare special vouchers for students, to distribute them to students, to use the vouchers in the canteen, to account for them, and to make reports on who ate what. This deprives social workers of much time they cannot devote to direct educational work. The paper voucher system also creates unwanted side effects (they are sold, taken away by other students).
ACORIS PAY free cateering accounting system is designed for automated accounting of free cateering. Students receive e-cards, and a card reader in the canteen. The computer program registers students who are entitled to getting free meals.
The system records when the pupil ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The system controls that the card is used only once. When the card is held, the computer immediately displays the student’s name, class, and a picture of the student (so it’s easy to spot abuses)
The system automatically generates reports:
- Daily report of who ever ate.
- A monthly summary of how many meals a student had.
Reports can be exported to Excel.
Free catering accounting equipment
Student‘s certificate can be transformed into an e-card (new card production 4.95 EUR / piece),
stickers on the available paper certificate (1,5 Eur / pc), plain white card with printed No (1,35 Eur / pc), key chain (1,35 Eur / pc).
Card reader (regular model – 289 Eur, newer design – 345 Eur). It connects to the school’s Internet network or directly to a computer.
Software for system administration (registration of new cards, blocking in case of loss, authorization rights, reports) – 195 Eur. Installed on any Windows PC.
Possibility to transfer data to diary/blog (need to coordinate with diary/blog administrators)
System Installation Benefits:
- Saving staff time, as there is no need to prepare food vouchers and account for their use
- Abuse elimination of free meals, get it who are entitled.
- A more transparent system saves money
- Modern technologies are used and the image of the school is improving